Do you feel that the role WMIS put you forward for was a good match for you and the company?
At the beginning, I admit that some aspects of the role made me feel a little out of my comfort zone. I had many years’ experience of export sales with new technologies in radiocommunication but had only limited experience working with digital radio communications. However, after twelve months I was given the top-achiever award as recognition for being one of the company’s best sales people globally. That’s proof that the role was a good fit!
How long did you stay in the role that WMIS put you forward for?
In total, I stayed for seven years. The company was bought out after three years, but as I’d been so successful, I was moved over to the new company and stayed for another four years.
What impression did you get of the recruitment process with WMIS?
The thing I noticed was the perfect balance Graham had between supporting the potential employer and supporting me as a candidate. He took every care to check every detail of my experience, but he also took care to make me feel comfortable.
Usually, the interview is kind of stressful, but Graham put me at ease. His technique helped me shine and show my expertise. When you are comfortable enough to be yourself I think this makes a much better match. If you are nervous and playing a role then it won’t lead to a match that lasts.
Had you used other recruiters previously?
Yes, although WMIS were the first recruiter I had worked with from abroad. And the difference was amazing. Graham was so polite, so responsive, so respectful, which I hadn’t experienced in a recruiter before.
Recruiters I worked with in the past seemed to focus on either employer or employee but Graham was very unbiased. He asked proper, professional questions yet he was very open and honest about the process and gave me some useful feedback.
How do you feel the role Graham matched you with made a difference to your career?
I learned a lot and they were a really great employer. I also made some great contacts and friendships which I still have today. I’d been successful before but this role really kick-started my international career.
What advice would you give to a Sales Executive considering using WMIS for their next career move?
Graham’s ability to balance the needs of both the client, (potential employer) and the candidate is the really stand-out quality of WMIS, which is rare in recruitment.
For me, this was the role that really advanced my career. My former manager for this role also said in a reference that I had been one of his most successful recruitments ever. I think this shows how successful the match that WMIS made was for everyone involved.