Change Management & Outplacement Services
Close attention to people issues increases the success rate of organisational change from 30-60% to nearly 90% (Source: DBM). Employers that need help and assistance with organisational change, which could be caused by challenges arising from a merger, acquisition or downsizing, through to ongoing business events that impact daily, Change Management and Outplacement services can be a great help. A smooth transition can help to protect the reputation of your employer brand and preserve the morale and motivation of your remaining staff. For employees who are experiencing redundancy, Outplacement services can support and equip individuals to identify and realise their career ambitions.
DBM is a leading global Change or ‘Transition’ Management company and has over 230 locations in 85 countries worldwide. They have a large number of specialist consultants who have worked within the telecoms and IT sectors. Support can include:
- Training your senior management team on how to lead organisational change
- Designing workforce selection, redeployment and reduction plans
- Creating a communication strategy to inform members of staff about the changes
- Training your management team on how to communicate the change
- Individual and group Outplacement for those facing job losses. We offer a range of programmes providing the opportunity to review career and personal achievements. Individuals and groups receive counseling and training, together with high quality research and technological support to enable self-awareness and the realisation of future career options including starting a new business and retirement planning
- Design of employee engagement and talent management programmes
For further details, please take a look at their website